West Meath Trialogue 15th January 2018

West Meath Trialogue Meeting 15th January

On Monday, January 15th Westmeath held their third Trialogue in the Greville Arms hotel, Mullingar. As with the first 2, it was incredibly well attended, with service users, carers, counsellors, and HSE employees all in attendance with open ears and open minds.

The topics this time were access to services, and availability of appropriate services, with many in attendance sharing personal stories of the adversity, challenges and successes they have experienced in their lives. Many of those present expressed distress at the lack of options and information out there when it comes to mental health, feeling that there are cases where the public health service has let its patients down, and that those who cannot afford private health care and counselling can easily slip through the cracks in the system.

There was a real atmosphere of empathy and understanding, with everyone contributing in a warm and meaningful way, offering others a chance to be heard, and in many cases offering the pieces of the puzzle that others were missing.

For now the Trialogue Meetings take place on the third Monday of the Month in the Greville Arms Hotel.